Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Winter Cozy Reward!

When: Friday, December 14th
For all Cowlishaw Students and Staff

Wear your pajamas or comfy clothes on Friday to celebrate filling up our “Thumbs Up Jar”. You can also bring your favorite stuffed animal to school that day.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Carnival of Lights!

I am so happy to say that our first Carnival of Lights was a huge success! Students were able to apply what they learned about simple and series circuits. The projects were very creative and the students had so much fun creating them! Thank you to all the parents and family members that came to support the students! Please check out the pictures below to see their des


Friday, November 16, 2012

Fall Party Pics!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Accelerated Reader News

Today students reviewed how to use the new Accelerated Program and should have also brought home another paper with their username and password to share with you. I have included 2 new website links on the blog. The first link is called Renaissance Home Connect. On this website you can view student's goals, their reading progress, and view average book levels. You can also enter your email address to receive updates when your child has taken an AR tests. The second link is AR Book Finder. This is a very helpful website in which you and your child can search for books by genre, interest, and book level. There are over a thousand books! The best part is ALL of the books listed on this site are AR books. I strongly encourage you to take time to review both websites with your child. It is a great way to get involved in your child's reading interests and progress.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hill Family Reading Night for 5th Grade

Here is an invitation to 5th GRADE families to "THRILL MIDDLE SCHOOL’S" evening of Thrills, Chills, Mystery, and Magic.
When: Monday, October 29 6 – 8 p.m.
What: Wear your costume! (optional)
Thrilling and chilling activities,
Dazzling magic from Jonathan Kamm.
Scary stories and more…..
Where: Hill Middle School
Monday, October 29 6 – 8 p.m.
Be There!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Exciting News in 5H

I Wonder...

I wonder: athletic or artistic?
I wonder: right or left-handed?
I wonder: shy or outgoing?
I wonder: strong or weak?
I wonder: healthy or sick?
I wonder: brown or blonde hair?
I wonder: brown or blue eyes?
I wonder: 10 fingers and 10 toes?
I wonder: boy or girl?

This is an example of a writing idea for the students. It was the way I chose to share my exciting news that I am having a baby at the end of April!

Capturing Conversations

In writing, students continue to gather ideas on how to grab a reader's attention. We discussed how good writers use dialogue in their writing. The students need to listen and observe conversations that are happening around them. Suggested places for this assignment include listening at home, school, at a store, a restaurant, or a family gathering. They need to record parts of these conversations in their writing notebooks. Again, the purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate how using dialogue in a piece of writing can make it more interesting.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Updates/ Reminders in 5H this week:

* CogAt, cognitive abilities test, will be administered beginning tomorrow. The students will also be tested on Thursday and Friday. Testing will last about a half hour each day. Over these next few days, please make sure your child is eating a healthy breakfast, and is getting a good night's sleep.

*Thanks to everyone who has turned in the blog permission form and behavior form. If you have not signed these papers please do so as soon as possible and return them to me. These forms were in your curriculum night packet. The blog permission form can also be found under the documents tab on the blog.

* Book Orders are due on Friday, September 28th. This includes online book orders too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Curriculum Night Tomorrow

It has been really fun getting to know your children over the past few weeks! I enjoyed reading the "Getting to Know You" forms. It really helped to give me insights on your children. We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning new things!

I want to remind all parents that Curriculum Night is tomorrow night from 6:30-8:00pm. Ms. Walton will give opening remarks at 6:30pm. The first session, in your child's classroom, is from 7:00-7:30pm. The second session is from 7:30-8:00pm. I hope to see all of you there! I will be sharing important information about the curriculum, classroom routines, and behavior.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome to 5H!  I hope you all had a very enjoyable summer!  I cannot wait to meet each and every one of you!  I am looking forward to an exciting year full of learning new things with you! 

This blog is a way to keep my students and parents informed about happenings in the classroom as well as important school-wide news.  Please check it regularly for updates.

5th Grade Supply List

Scissors Pointed Tip

1 box of 24 crayons

1 Flash Drive (512 KG)

8 red ink pens

2 pkgs. of 8 colored pencils

1 sturdy pencil bag – no boxes

1 pink eraser

2 boxes of tissues

24 #2 Pencils

Art smock (old shirt)

1 Clear Protractor

Book bag

1 pkg. of 8 Crayola Markers

Gym shoes

1 pkg. of 3 x 3 post it notes

Boys – 1 roll of Paper Towels

1 pencil sharpener enclosed

Girls – Ziploc bags quart size

3 glue sticks

7 folders, double pocket (blue, green, yellow, red, purple, orange, black)

1 12” plain ruler with centimeter scale

2 pkg. white wide-ruled notebook paper

6 spiral notebooks (red, blue, green yellow, purple, black)

1 4-pk. of fluorescent highlighters

6 Black low odor dry erase markers thick

3 Large Stretchable Book Covers (one size fits all)

**No Trapper keepers or binders they will be sent home