Friday, May 03, 2013

Meet Mackenzie Grace!

Mackenzie is 1 week old!

Madelyn loves her little sister!

Mackenzie Grace
Born at 1:19am on April 22, 2013
8 pounds 3 ounces
20 inches long

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Your Invited...

Cowlishaw Elementary School

Volunteer Appreciation Coffee

The staff of Cowlishaw Elementary School would like to thank everyone who has given their time and shared their talents

with our students this year. Our school’s 16th year has been successful due largely to our many volunteers!

We invite you to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Coffee, so that we may express our thanks!

The Volunteer Appreciation Coffee is an adult only event. Childcare will not be offered.

Who: Anyone who has shared their time and talents at Cowlishaw this year.

What: Volunteer Appreciation Coffee

When: Friday, April 19th, 2013 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Where: Cowlishaw LMC

Please RSVP by Monday, April 15th, 2013 via e-mail to or by phone at 428-6109

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bubblegum Fridays!

Beginning on Friday, April 5th we will start BUBBLEGUM FRIDAYS!

Please help raise money for the Cowlishaw
5th graders class gift to the school.

** 2 pieces of gum for $1 **

The gum will only be allowed on Friday’s and
handed out by your teacher.

Please contact Jennifer Billadeau or
Jackie Cuculich - with any questions.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wacky Wednesday!

Well, it was a wacky day in 5H yesterday! The students enjoyed looking at all the wacky outfits!

The votes are in and in first place for the wackiest outfit is...Sydnee!
The second place winner is...Hope!

Monday, March 18, 2013

And the winner is...

Crazy Sock Day!

Students had fun wearung crazy socks today! We even incorporated them into a grammar activity on using descriptive adjectives!

The students voted on the craziest socks in 5H, and we have a tie! Congratulations to Abby and Gracie for wearing the craziest socks!

Spirit Week Info.

Spirit Week

In honor of Dr. Seuss, we will be having spirit week at Cowlishaw next week. Please read below for the theme for each day:

Monday-Fox on Socks Day-Wear crazy socks

Tuesday-The Many Colored Days-Rainbow Day-Each grade level wears a color:

K-Red, 1st-Orange, 2nd-Yellow, 3rd-Green, 4th-Blue, 5th-Purple

Wednesday-Wacky Wednesday- Dress Wacky today!

Thursday- Oh the Places You Will Go Day- Wear a t-shirt from your favorite vacation

Friday-Hats off to Dr. Seuss-Wear your favorite Dr. Seuss hat, accessory or clothing

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Iditarod Week!

Students are learning and researching about the Iditarod race which started on March 2nd. Under the website tab are 2 wesites where you can track racers progress and learn many interesting facts.

Monday, March 04, 2013


The students have been really busy preparing for ISAT week. It is imperative that students be at school during testing days. Here is the ISAT schedule and updated specials schedule for this week only.

ISAT Testing:
Math: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday starting at 9:20am
Reading: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday starting at 1:15pm

Specials Schedule:
Tuesday: LMC, Computer Lab
Wednesday: PE, Music (Jump Rope for Heart)
Thursday: Art
Friday: PE (Jump Rope for Heart), Computer Lab

Top Ten Ways to be Successful on the ISAT's:
10. Be prepared and ready.
9. Eat a healthy breakfast.
8. Get a good noght's sleep.
7. Double check your work.
6. Bubble your answers correctly.
5. Read and understand the directions.
4. Go back to the text to find the answers.
3. Take your time.
2. Think positive. Think about doing well.
1. Come to school.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Science Fair Information

The Cowlishaw PTA has just started registering students for the 1st ever Cowlishaw Science Fair! All grades (including Kindergarten) are welcome to participate. The fair will be held on April 11, 2013. We are hoping for a great response from students for this event.

Cowlishaw is joining in the district-wide efforts to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). Many of the other district 204 elementary school are already doing science fairs, but since this is our first one, we would love to get as many people involved as possible!

An orientation/information night will be tomorrow, Tuesday February 12, at 6:30 PM in the MPR. We also will have paper info/registration packets available on request, and flyers for backpack mail going out in the next week.