Monday, March 04, 2013


The students have been really busy preparing for ISAT week. It is imperative that students be at school during testing days. Here is the ISAT schedule and updated specials schedule for this week only.

ISAT Testing:
Math: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday starting at 9:20am
Reading: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday starting at 1:15pm

Specials Schedule:
Tuesday: LMC, Computer Lab
Wednesday: PE, Music (Jump Rope for Heart)
Thursday: Art
Friday: PE (Jump Rope for Heart), Computer Lab

Top Ten Ways to be Successful on the ISAT's:
10. Be prepared and ready.
9. Eat a healthy breakfast.
8. Get a good noght's sleep.
7. Double check your work.
6. Bubble your answers correctly.
5. Read and understand the directions.
4. Go back to the text to find the answers.
3. Take your time.
2. Think positive. Think about doing well.
1. Come to school.